You will find below the prescribed reading lists and seminar questions for each teaching session in Term 2. There is no set text for this course, although there are a few books which might be useful.
Barendt, Freedom of Speech, (Oxford, OUP, 2005).
Fenwick, H., and Phillipson, G., Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act (Oxford, OUP, 2006) is a detailed discussion of the issues facing the media.
Janis, Kay and Bradley, European Human Rights Law, (Oxford, OUP, 2000) is now dated; a second hand copy may nonetheless prove to be a useful acquisition.
As you will appreciate from the range of issues that will be discussed and jurisdictions covered, it is difficult to find a single work that reflects upon even a majority of these issues in sufficient depth. No one book is sufficient on its own. All the recommended sources are readily available either electronically, or in hard copy in the library; extra copies of specific articles/chapters may be available as offprints.
PLEASE NOTE: photocopied materials will not generally be distributed to students on this course. Research skills are an important part of your legal training, and will inculcated through the preparation of the seminars. The course supervisor will direct you to appropriate sources on a seminar by seminar basis. Note that although some of the materials are quite long, we will re-visit some of these materials on a number of occasions during the course; the reading is therefore not as onerous as might appear. Further, selecting the aspect of a judgment that is relevant to the issue under consideration is a valuable legal skill.
Should you have any queries or questions concerning the course, please feel to contact the course supervisor:
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